amazon tracker Mario Tomic |
Seit 11.07.2007 aktualisiert 03.01.2012
308 Besucher seit 01.03.2021

Mario Tomic is a
international renown
guitar player,instrumentalist
and musician.

Artist play and compose fusion between
jazz,blues and classic rock music.
For some projects he also use
elements of music genres,progressive
rock and ambient world music.

Mario is recognized by music
profession on the international level.
He have some prizes for the musical
work and placements on music charts.
Music what he make is unique
with distinctive guitar technique
and musical style.

Parallel with personal music
Mario Tomic also compose music
for versatile television
projects,film,documentary movies
similar medias and other artists.

For more available informations
about music artist please visite
Official Mario Tomic Website" />" FlashVars="memberId=1797&showInfo=1&showPlaylist=1&autostart=true" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff"

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